Grip op IP

Online Business Coaching & Consultancy

Practical tools in terms of Intellectual Property Rights (IP) for beginners

Fixed point of contact and first stop for start-ups, SMEs as well as (knowledge) entrepreneurs who want to know what the situation is now and what steps to take.

How to get started?

You are a (knowledge) entrepreneur

You are a genius at your job, you are 100 per cent there for your customers and go the extra mile.But you do
naturally not want others to copy you blindly.

What can you do? What should you do?

What can you do? What should you do? You want to put down the name of your business. How do you do that? What exactly have you protected and what
haven't you?

Working with others. When do you need a contract now? And what is best to pay attention to now?

How would it feel for you as an entrepreneur?

You don't lie awake because...

You know what to watch out for, what's allowed and what's not. You now also know the online rules.

Je kreeg alles in klaar en duidelijke taal uitgelegd, en je hebt een stappenplan.

No more fear of unexpected fines or claims because you unsuspectingly violated a copyright.

If you do get a letter, now you know what to do.

And if you want to address someone yourself, you now know how to do so and what you need.

What was that like again?

You are an SME or start-up

You've taken a course around IP before but when you got home you thought 'well, how about this?' alweer?

What should I do now and why ? And oh no, that next basic course is not until next year.

You are looking for someone to guide you, to help you integrate and implement an IP strategy. At your level, you are just starting out.

Je hebt (nog) geen interne persoon waar je terecht kan of die heeft het veel te druk. Je wil jouw IP persoon wat ontlasten, werk uit handen nemen.

You want ready and clear tutorials for you and your staff 24/7 around topics that appeal to you.

How would it feel for you as a business?

You are reassured

You know what to do to achieve your goals, IP becomes a business tool for you from now on.

Business partners, customers, investors: they are convinced of your abilities and see you standing tall.

Your staff is and stays up-to-date around issues that are important to you. All noses in the same direction.

No more excuses because everything is constantly available. Scrolling through the titles, you will find what you are looking for: a 10min video, a roadmap, a link, a template,...

And you, you again have more time to deal with the real work: your customers, new developments, (internal) support, etc.

How can I help you?

Want to know which solution is best for you?

Want to meet or have questions? I would be happy to help you on your way.

Schedule an appointment directly in my digital calendar.

Or leave me a message via:

What can I help you with? I'd love to hear from you.

Various options

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Together, we look at what you are struggling with and then see if I can help you. If we work together, a
proposal will follow. (30', free)

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Video modules

Subscription formula with short 10′ videos grouped by topic. For companies also possible with multiple access.

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Tailor-made trajectory

As a company, you can choose from 2 digital formulas. Always 1-to-1. A formula tailored to your company is also possible.

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Online course

The foundation for you as a knowledge entrepreneur, with video material, step-by-step plan & workbook.

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Every so often, we broach a practical topic via a webinar (max 1.5h). Now for free.

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Ssht, still a secret. It's going to be exciting, I'll take you along for the ride. Get on the list, and don't miss the start.

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Extra hands

Temporarily outsource a small job? For example: Office Actions, or internal training? You can.

90% of SMEs invest in product development but do not think about IP protection.

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Eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet aenean.

Pleased to meet you

Hi, I'm Hilde.
Founder and strategist @ IP

Plain, simple yet slightly different. Driven & passionate about IP..

A book fan. Love to be in nature. But my greatest passion: diving and snorkeling.

Plan your dive & dive your plan ... my motto to get where I want and enjoy than the ride.

Tevreden klanten

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis.
Aada Laine
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Alisa Hester
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