Grip op IP

Your rights and obligations as a (knowledge) entrepreneur

When you create, shape or develop something, rights, intellectual property rights, arise from it. Sometimes this happens spontaneously, other times you have to register rights in order to invoke them. Sometimes you have to ensure that rights are transferred so as not to get yourself stuck. And always you have to check whether there are rights of others to respect. Because fines and rumblings, you don't want that.

All very practical

That was the theoretical explanation, don't worry. This Newsletter is about everyday things and questions you might be struggling with. Which photos can I use or not use on my website ? Can I edit photos ? Why register your trade name ? How do I deal with copy-cats ? How can I better protect my content? What to look out for in a collaboration ? When must something be in writing? What should be in the letter ? How do I do that ? Who can I contact ? Is it free? What have I actually paid for ?

Wiser in less than 5 minutes

From me, you should not read this blog. You don't need anything from me. Just try it & see if it contains useful tips for you. Tips that save you money and hassle (later), that give you something to gain, that give you a step ahead of the competition, that make you think.

And who are you, anyway?

My name is Hilde Schoofs and I am an IP expert for companies but also for small independents. I have been in the business for 20 years. I recently started running my own company, a kind of learning platform on which a lot of knowledge and (local) expertise is collected. Where you can quickly and 24/7 find back what you had forgotten again. Fun facts about myself: I love science, love the underwater world, and am addicted to chocolate.

Why this blog ?

I am past 50, and find that I get happy when I can contribute something, when I can set something in motion, or get it rolling. That's why I call myself CMO (Chief Mobilisation Officer) of my company. This blog is here for you & to highlight local ExpertHIERse.

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