Grip op IP

What is that IP?

When I say Intellectual Property Rights (IP), I mean brand names, designs, patents but also other things like trade secrets, copyright or copyrights, practical things to look out for when you hire people or when an employee leaves you, when you collaborate, the importance of your trade name, subsidies and tax relief.

And it is mainly on these last practical day-to-day things that we will focus. Just because there is not much information compiled around this yet.

You don't know anything about that yet ...

You don't know anything about IP yet. You are a total layman. That's not a bad thing, because that's exactly why this blog is here. To get you into this story. To give you those things that you might - even probably - not yet be working with today. To guide you through something that is a distant memory today.

You already know a thing or two about that

You are a purebred IP expert: then this blog is probably not for you. Then you have other channels at your level and you know where to go for practical work, for information and grants. But, even then, it can be useful to quickly scroll through this blog anyway. To see if you're all in. But I'll leave that to you.

From me, you don't have to ...

You don't have to get anything from me, let that be clear. I only offer you the opportunity to see what is useful for your business, to hook up & get started with the basic elements provided to you. And if you outgrow this blog, then I am happy because you will have taken the basic steps around IP. Drop me a line when you wind down and you'll be on my Wall of Fame !

Who am I?

My name is Hilde Schoofs and I have been working as an IP consultant for companies for 20 years. I have worked as an agent, but mainly as an in-house consultant in industry (mainly the chemical and life sciences sector). I am a champion, a founder & a strategist. Recently, I started running my own company and building out an IP platform for small businesses.

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